To Be Present with the Lord
It is with bittersweet emotion that I share that Hidden Acres’ founder, Charles Diffee passed away December 15, 2019. He was such a key element to the foundation and direction of HA and the effects of his efforts can be seen through all the buildings he designed and built as well as through the numerous individuals he mentored. We will forever be indebted to this great man who saw the vision to create a place for countless lives to be impacted for all of eternity. His legacy lives on and it was a legacy worth leaving.
I can’t thank Uncle Charles enough for all the love, support, guidance, patience, encouragement, wisdom, and enumerable ways he has cared for me. There are not enough words to explain the impact he has had in my life and to those in my family.
An excerpt from his Obituary reads, “Rev. Diffee’s lifelong focus was on serving young people, and to that end he founded Metropolitan Christian School in 1966 and Hidden Acres Retreat Center in Kaufman County in 1984. He often remarked that today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders and wanted to make sure they had solid Christian foundations.”
It is by his guidance and wisdom that we continue to focus our efforts in equipping leaders through our programming at Hidden Acres. We thank you for your prayers for his family and friends as they grieve his passing. Pray that we continue to point to Christ in all we do at Hidden Acres. - Tim Carpenter