Amanda Elery: Hidden Acres Intern

Once a very fun and energetic camper, Amanda Elery is now using her enthusiasm and energy to help campers have the same life-changing experience she enjoyed at Hidden Acres Summer Camp.  She started attending camp at age eight and has returned every summer since. Amanda also goes by  Baby-E and has carried that camp name since her middle school camp in 2003. Hidden Acres grown, she began moving through the stages of camp: from camper to assistant counselor, then head counselor, camp coordinator, and now to our first ever Hidden Acres Ministry Intern.  

Amanda is thankful for growing up in a Christ-centered home where her parents instilled in her a love for God and a love for people.  She is thankful her parents sent her to camp where she could learn from the example of godly leaders who encouraged her to seek God and not the ways of the world.  Some of her favorite memories of camp are heart-to-heart conversations with her counselors and her annual talent show act with her brother, Toby, who is also a leader at our camps.  She hopes to be involved in the ministry of Hidden Acres for years to come, and is excited to see Hidden Acres reach out to more children as they build for the future.

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