Fundraising for New Dining Hall

We have asked our summer camps staff & volunteers to help with fundraising efforts for a new dining hall by sending out letters to their family and friends.  Here is a copy of the letter that they are sending out.  

Hidden Acres: Building for the Future

Hidden Acres is a camp and retreat center whose mission is to serve individuals, our community, and the world by sharing Christ’s love.

The vision of Hidden Acres is to impact lives with Christ’s love and the message of His word.  We seek to make a difference in this world by training up leaders with a Christian worldview and servant-leadership skills as exemplified in Christ.  We have seen many lives changed through the camp ministry at Hidden Acres and have seen both campers and staff grow in their leadership skills. 

Our ministry would not exist without the help of friends who contribute to the daily costs of maintaining a welcoming place for churches, families, and campers.   Hidden Acres has been enjoyed by many people for the past 30 years, and it is a place that we do not want to keep hidden.  Hidden Acres’ ministry has increased by leaps and bounds for the last several years as we have grown in our camping ministry that reaches out to children in the Dallas area.  Our mission camps provide opportunities for churches to share the gospel with children from around the world who now reside in our community.  Because of the growth in our numbers we have a pressing need for a new dining hall.  As you can see from the picture above we have outgrown our current facility.  $500,000 will enable us to build a dining facility so that we can continue to grow in our outreach.  

Will you partner with us and invest in our future? Your gift will allow us to reach many more young people for years to come. Our communities desperately need godly leaders. With your help, we can share God's love with the young people who will be our future leaders.

Diffee Dining Hall Project 

In order to say “yes” to more campers and volunteers, the Hidden Acres Board of Directors has unanimously agreed to begin the campaign to raise money for a much needed dining hall.  A new state-of-the-art dining hall will enable us to more than double our day camp capacity (Our overnight camp capacity is limited by bed space.)  Hidden Acres needs help from friends like you to raise $500,000 for this project.  We can only reach more campers with a larger dining hall. More campers will mean more children and youth like Amanda and Sethi with whom we can share the Gospel!  

Charles and Lavina Diffee

The dining hall will be named in honor of Charles and Lavina Diffee. Our founder, Charles Diffee, has been involved in camping for over 50 years, and Hidden Acres is the result of his love for young people and desire to share God’s love with them. Lavina has spent countless hours keeping the books, producing newsletters, and corresponding with our many donors. They are truly a couple worth honoring.

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